Look Gorgeous Feel Fabulous
After 10 years I have decided it’s time to take a sabbatical, until we have a clear picture of what's next. Sometimes one can overthink this, so I ...
Read moreThe other day I was mildly chastised for addressing a person by an abbreviated version of their name. It was actually by mistake as I tend to take...
Read moreFollowing on from last month’s post where I sort of dribbled on about retention of thoughts and things with a smidge of sustainability thrown in, I...
Read moreThe other day my sister asked me if I’d had a full health MOT recently – for the American viewers MOT is a legally required test in the UK, that ea...
Read moreGreetings from March Eve or thereabouts :-)Whilst it may still be snowy (it is here) doesn't it feel good to say March! Which indicates Spring is a...
Read moreHow did that happen?Hasn't it been a strange old time these past few years? I am not sure whether to reflect on it all or just try and carry on loo...
Read moreMay your year ahead be filled with even more silk, even more velvet & even more scrumptious robes & dressing gowns!More importantly, that y...
Read moreIsn't this sky just wonderful, really magical in my opinion!There used to be a brilliant program on TV when I was a young'un, called The Sky At Nig...
Read moreFor those of you who were glued to your tvs in the early naughties, will recognize this is the title of the new Sex In The City film. I don't yet k...
Read moreI couldn't decide whether to call this post Bored In The Basement or Mulch Madness or even something a bit more positive - because ultimately this ...
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