Isn't This Odd

And suddenly just like that it's October!?!

I am shocked, one minute we're hauling through the summer and the next it's full fat Autumn!

I am well and truly in minor-shock here lovelies. Such a strange year for all the obvious reasons which I am not going to articulate but as I refelct back on the past 9 months or so, I am finding I actually can't remember much of it?

I remember the first week of March having returned from a challenging skiing trip in Utah, having dins with 2 dear girlfriends and we asked ourselves "should we even be here?"

Well as it turned out that was that and I didn't see either of them in person until a month or so ago - I saw them via zoom, FT and chatted on the phone but to actually see them in person wsan't until relatively recently.

I also remember mid June as a lot was happening pondside from a family perspective.

But other than that the rest of the time is pretty much, well forgotten!

It's not that I'm wishing my life away, but just that it's so similar each day and not having any significant events to act as markers, my memory isn't serving me well. 

There were no hols, no museum visits, no concerts, no dinner parties, no fun outdoor events, no antique fairs, no nothing really. Although I do remember spending an awful lot of time in my robes and dressing gowns - got to be some perks!

It makes sense, but I didn't really realize just how much of our memory relies on external things to ground them - sounds bleedin' obvious now I say it out loud.

Has this happened to you? Or as you reflect on this past 9 months or so are you just "done" or perhaps "looking forward to what's next" or something else perhaps?

I'd love to know it's not just me slightly losing it :-)

Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay Positive - Sophie xx

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