Dressing Gown Dreams Part I
In order to achieve this there are three main aspects to consider, the preparation, the ZZZZs themselves and the awakening. Our guide to achieving sensual slumber as follows…….
Survey your kingdom / bedroom
-fluff the duvet, bedclothes, blankets and so on
-remove any cats, dogs or other livestock
-extricate small children, especially if they don’t belong to you
-sweep out previous morning’s toast/biscuit/cake crumbs
-turn the lights low, but not off otherwise you’ll trip over the furniture
-collect any ties, ropes or handcuffs from previous night, you fifty-shader you
-put on a SoffiaB luxury silk robe, having removed day clothes first
-go forth to the bathroom
-cleanse face thoroughly, but not too thoroughly you remove your eyebrows
-take ten deep breaths and gracefully, no flinging allowed, step into bed
-take a few more deep breaths, but not so many as you begin to hyperventilate, paramedics don’t take kindly to self-induced hysteria, just ask my Mother
-think lovely thoughts, not sexy thoughts that get the blood racing, just lovely, pure, chocolate bar thoughts
-double check whoever the person next to you is, is in fact your chosen one
-drift off into the land of nod, Z-ville, la la land etc
Should you stir
-do not reach for the sleeping pills, remember what happened to Michael Jackson!
-roll over without squashing the cat and try a cooler part of the bed
-throw out the pieces of lego you’ve just rolled onto
-feel free at this point, should you be sharing your bed with anyone, to wake them too and have a chat about why you woke, they’ll really appreciate the insight
-read War and Peace cover to cover, then the Iliad for a laugh
The rising
-employ a rooster so you can wake like they did in the old days
-remove any small domesticated pets that have appeared from the bed
-check to see if the person next to you is still the same one
-call the Police if it’s not
-put on your SoffiaB luxury silk robe over your Birthday suit
-did no one tell you suits are back in
-straighten the bed out and tell it exactly what’s on your mind
-waft to the bathroom but well before the household teenager avenges their grounding from the night before and stays abluting in your bathroom for 3 days
-wash and go
If this becomes too complicated or time consuming, there’s always alcohol, coffee and the local bed and breakfast.
Sweet Dressing Gown Dreams! Look Gorgeous, Feel Fabulous - Sophie