What Business Are You In?
So originally I thought what a simple question.
I'm in this thing over here, this is what my business is, plain and simple.
When I was "in" the IT business I used to say I'm in IT but really I wasn't. I was using IT, I wasn't creating or designing it. I wasn't writing the code or developing the hardware. I was using software to effect change within an organization, helping people understand the capabilities so their role could be made more efficient or they'd have access to more data etc etc.
In reality I was working in change management giving people the understanding of the software to help the organization make a change.
So am I in change management now? No
Am I in the robe making business? Kinda, sorta - do I physically make these robes and dressing gowns? Nah, I leave that to the talented production team in New York's historic garment district.
But I sell them right, yes, and I design them yes!
But actually I am in the business of making people feel special!! That's the business I'm in.
I help people feel special first thing in the morning when they pop on a robe and see, despite it being flung on the floor beside the bed (or is that just lazy me?) it is still unwrinkled. They put on the cool cotton and gorgeous silk and feel fabulous - what a good way to begin the day!
And at night after a tiring or aggravating day, when it's cold and wet and grey outside they slip into their dressing gown, the lush velvet and sumptuous silk making them feel a million dollars and more! They look at themselves and think yes I look gorgeous, but actually even better I feel fabulous!
That's the business I'm in!
Receiving this message on an order the other day from one of our most wonderful, wonderful clients, not only filled me with joy but confirmed my belief. The business I'm in is helping people feel special!!
Look Gorgeous, Feel Fabulous - Sophie xx