Mother's Day Special
Lovelies I’m going for a bit of head start here!
Typically all the best gift guides come out just a short while before the actual event, I presume to help one focus the mind? However for some of us planners out there it's not all that helpful.
So please find our Mother’s Day gift guide (sorry for those pond-side, I know (y)ours was way back in early March) and even if you don’t purchase soon, you can at least let some ideas ruminate.
Cowshed - tending the soul is so important & these not only have a fab name, but also do not carry out any animal testing with their products!
Almotti - I discovered these on Fisher Island just recently intending to buy as gifts. In a moment of recklessness I opened one packet and then promptly scoffed the lot! Unbelievably they are gluten free & dairy free…
Vista Alegre - very much like her we suspect.

Limited Edition
SoffiaB Citron Pastis - & a rather special price which is no reason to buy the Mother in your life a gift, but when it’s as sumptuous as one of our full length luxury robes, who can blame you?
Cult Gaia - probably why it has the word cult in its name. Once she discovers this brand there is no going back, a little like SoffiaB we think :-)
Juniper Books - yes a gift of books is absolutely necessary to one’s being, said the bookworm. Even if the Mother in your life is not an avid reader these books just look beautiful.
Look Gorgeous, Feel Fabulous - Sophie